Welcome to staffordshire county pool association

All content here has been designed to give information about all county matches, interleague and SCPA competitions ...

wepf website

e.p.a. website

English Pool Association

euro 8-ball website

Euro 8 Ball

Venue Sponsors

The County for the next 3 years are to be  sponsored and supported by Plaza Snooker & Pool , King Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent . This will be our county home venue and the venue for all County compettions.

Owned by Adam Davis he provides a comfortable and friendly environment to enjoy pool and snooker.

All The Latest

Latest news

🎱 County Sponsors-
New shirt sponsorship available

🎱 County Fixtures
All Fixtures on the relevant page

🎱  Interleague Now Uses League App Live

Roll of Honour ..

4 With 4 World Champions taking 7 world titles between them , Gaz Potts x3, Dave Beaumont x2, Adam Davis x1 and Nick Burton x1

14 With Trent Trophies our interleague titles won is now at 14 wins and also numerous final appearances.

30 The record at the moment stands at 30 National county titles and over 70 regional titles